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Get your cheap flights from Manila to Cagayan de Oro! AirAsia now offers cheap fares and flight promos for your Manila to Cagayan de Oro flights. Check out AirAsia promos from MNL to CGY on or the AirAsia MOVE, where you’ll be sure to get really good flight deals. Check the Manila to Cagayan de Oro ticket price and choose the best one for you. Take advantage of AirAsia’s super deals and travel with cheap tickets for your Manila to Cagayan de Oro flights now!
Get direct flights from Manila to Cagayan de Oro on AirAsia. There are many flights from Manila to Cagayan de Oro, both direct flights and flights with layovers for cheap fares. With our online travel agent feature, the airlines that we offer for this route include legacy carriers like Philippine Airlines (PAL) and PAL Express. You can check for Manila to Cagayan de Oro promos on or the AirAsia MOVE. For those who prefer to fly with no-frills, then AirAsia is an excellent choice for your flight booking. Just be sure to check the Manila to Cagayan de Oro flight time and choose the timing that suits you.
If you want to know how many hours it takes from Manila to Cagayan de Oro, the shortest flight is a non-stop flight that only takes 1 hour 30 minutes. If you choose to fly with a layover, your Manila to Cagayan de Oro flight time may increase depending on your transit time. There are many benefits with layovers like getting to see a new city if your transit time allows this. Good layover cities include Cebu and Davao. Visit the AirAsia MOVE and get your ticket from Manila to Cagayan de Oro now.
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You are allowed to bring onboard 2 bags as part of your cabin luggage provided the total weight for both items does not exceed 7kgs.
You get travel flexibility, 20kg baggage allowance, freedom to choose your seats, Xpress baggage, Xpress boarding, complimentary in-flight meal and 1 Hour On Time Guarantee and Baggage Delay insurance
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What is the cheapest price for Manila to Cagayan De?
The cheapest price for Manila-Cagayan De flights starts at -
If I want to get a direct flight from Manila to Cagayan De, which airlines are available for booking?
You can fly directly from Manila to Cagayan De with .
How long does it usually take to fly from Manila to Cagayan De?
A non-stop flight from Manila to Cagayan De takes around -.
Where can I get updates on cheap flights from Manila to Cagayan De?
You can stay up to date on updates for flights promotions from Manila on Cagayan De on AirAsia and other airlines on our flight promo page, main website, AirAsia MOVE, email, and our social media platforms.
If I have a problem with my flight or flight booking, whom can I contact?
If you have a problem with your flight booking or flight, you can reach out to us here. Our team is willing to assist you 24/7.
What is the name of the airport in Cagayan de Oro?
The name of the airport in Cagayan de Oro is Laguindingan International Airport (airport code: CGY)
Popularly known as CDO, Cagayan de Oro is an urbanised city in Northern Mindanao and is best known for whitewater rafting and delicious cuisine. When visiting, do be sure to check out these Cagayan de Oro tourist spots.
At this park, visitors can enjoy horseback riding, hiking and swimming in the waterfalls.
This river runs through the city and is a great spot for whitewater rafting, kayaking and also river trekking.
A popular tourist spot in Cagayan, this botanical garden showcases plants, flowers and trees that are endemic to Mindanao. Visitors will also get to see the traditional houses of the local people.
This pirate-themed waterpark features various attractions like dual wave pools and water slides. There’s also a hotel in the vicinity for guests who want to spend the night.
Located in Bukidnon, this adventure park features adrenaline-pumping activities such as Asia’s longest dual zipline, a dropzone and forest park.