Flights from Kuala Lumpur to Phu Quoc

Get cheap flights from Kuala Lumpur to Phu Quoc!

Get cheap flights from Kuala Lumpur (KUL) to Phu Quoc (PQC) with our exclusive flight deals!

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Get to Phu Quoc in fewer than 8 hours

Services and Facilities

Red Baggage

Complimentary Baggage

Get complimentary 20kg baggage allowance when you purchase the Value Pack, Premium Flex or Premium Flatbed.

Yellow Baggage


You are allowed to bring onboard 2 bags as part of your cabin luggage provided the total weight for both items does not exceed 7kgs.

Premium Flex

You get travel flexibility, 20kg baggage allowance, freedom to choose your seats, Xpress baggage, Xpress boarding, complimentary in-flight meal and 1 Hour On Time Guarantee and Baggage Delay insurance

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Collect airasia points when you fly with us and enjoy super savings when you use them just like cash to pay for flights, hotels, food, insurance, and more!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cheapest price for Kuala Lumpur to Phu Quoc?

The cheapest price for Kuala Lumpur-Phu Quoc flights starts at -

If I want to get a direct flight from Kuala Lumpur to Phu Quoc, which airlines are available for booking?

You can fly directly from Kuala Lumpur to Phu Quoc with .

How long does it usually take to fly from Kuala Lumpur to Phu Quoc?

A non-stop flight from Kuala Lumpur to Phu Quoc takes around -.

Where can I get updates on cheap flights from Kuala Lumpur to Phu Quoc?

You can stay up to date on updates for flights promotions from Kuala Lumpur on Phu Quoc on AirAsia and other airlines on our flight promo page, main website, AirAsia MOVE, email, and our social media platforms.

If I have a problem with my flight or flight booking, whom can I contact?

If you have a problem with your flight booking or flight, you can reach out to us here. Our team is willing to assist you 24/7.

Get Cheap Tickets from Kuala Lumpur to Phu Quoc

What to See & Do in Phu Quoc? 

Get your cheap flight tickets from Kuala Lumpur to Phu Quoc, a popular island getaway in the south of Vietnam. AirAsia offers you the best deals on flights from Kuala Lumpur to Phu Quoc. The Kuala Lumpur to Phu Quoc flight takes only around 2 hours. You can fly directly from Kuala Lumpur to Phu Quoc on AirAsia, Additionally, there are other cheap flights departing from Kuala Lumpur on popular flights to Ho Chi Minh City, Da nang and Hanoi in Vietnam.

Phu Quoc is a popular holiday destination in southern Vietnam that is famous for its beaches, dense forests and picturesque fishing villages. Phu Quoc is fondly called Pearl Island for its powder white beaches and turquoise waters. The island’s biodiversity and pristine environment has earned it a spot in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve since 2006. 

Phu Quoc (PQC) is famous for its beautiful beaches and many flock to this island for a well-deserved vacation. The beaches of Bai Sao and Hon Thom are particularly popular for their postcard-perfect beaches. The 15-km long Bai Dai beach offers just that - a 15-km stretch of oceanfront attraction.

The Vinpearl Land Phu Quoc is another attraction with entertainment for all ages. These range from water activities, a theme park, and an animal safari and conservation centre for local fauna. 

Phu Quoc is also renowned for its fish sauce that was declared a national intangible cultural heritage by the local Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. So special is this fish sauce that there is a cap on how many bottles of the liquid a tourist can buy to take back home. 

Don’t wait any longer. Book your direct flights from Kuala Lumpur (KUL) to Phu Quoc now. Flights from Kuala Lumpur are available daily on AirAsia.

What Food Should I Try in Phu Quoc? 

Taste the many local dishes that celebrate local ingredients and cooking styles. Just fly from Kuala Lumpur to Phu Quoc with cheap ticket prices from AirAsia to savour these amazing dishes.

Try the raw herring salad called goi cha trich. A local speciality, strips of raw fish are wrapped in rice paper, topped with fresh vegetables, garnished with chillies, garlic and crushed peanuts and, dipped in the famous Phu Quoc fish sauce,

Sea urchins called nhum bien are also unique to Phu Quoc. The sea urchin is eaten cooked in a porridge or grilled with spring onion oil and chopped peanuts.  

Seafood is cheap here. So, dine on the freshest fish and other seafood items cooked in mouthwatering ways. 

Get your cheap tickets from Kuala Lumpur to Phu Quoc now! 

When is the best time to visit Phu Quoc? 

The island is cool throughout the year but the wet season is between May and October with September and October being the wettest. November to April is the dry season and a great time to enjoy the cool and sunny days.

Plan your holiday early from Kuala Lumpur to Phu Quoc. Find the cheapest flights during these months to enjoy the best of the season. Phu Quoc flights are available daily from Kuala Lumpur via AirAsia. The short flight time between KUL and Phu Quoc means you can get to this Vietnamese city quickly to start your vacation. 

Get the Best Deals from Kuala Lumpur to Phu Quoc 

You can now find cheap flights from Kuala Lumpur KUL to Phu Quoc on AirAsia and enjoy all that the city has to offer while saving big on your travel expenses. 

Find cheap tickets from Kuala Lumpur to Phu Quoc simply by making a search on or the AirAsia MOVE. AirAsia offers non-stop flights directly from Kuala Lumpur International Airport 2 (KLIA2) to Phu Quoc International Airport, just about 15kms to the town centre. 

Best Deals on Flight Tickets from Kuala Lumpur to Phu Quoc on Other Airlines

AirAsia now offers you the convenience of booking not only cheap AirAsia flights to Phu Quoc from Kuala Lumpur, you can also find the cheapest flights on other airlines too. 

As an OTA (Online Travel Agency), you can now get the best deals on flight tickets on many other airlines. Many airlines fly to the island such as Vietnam Airlines and VietJet Airlines. With both direct and layover flights, you are bound to find the best deals on and the AirAsia MOVE.

Wait no more! Check the flight schedule and get your flight tickets for Kuala Lumpur to Phu Quoc now and enjoy various flight promos and flight deals. 

Tips for Flying with AirAsia

As a smart traveller, you will certainly want to find the best deals on flight tickets from Kuala Lumpur to Danang. For a fully enjoyable and hassle-free travel experience with AirAsia, here are some answers to frequently asked questions for a smooth journey.

  • Perform a self check-in via the AirAsia MOVE and receive your electronic boarding pass. You will receive a QR code to print your e-ticket and luggage tag at the AirAsia kiosk in selected airports.

  • Arrive at the airport 2 to 3 hours before your scheduled departure to allow enough time for security checks and other pre-flight procedures.

  • Please ensure that your hand luggage does not exceed 7kgs. If your luggage exceeds 7kgs, you will need to purchase additional checked baggage allowance.

  • Get your travel documents including passports and visas (if needed) for inspection before departure and upon arrival. 

You are now ready to fly with AirAsia from Kuala Lumpur to Phu Quoc!

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